Check the nutritional facts
Practical and fast, Rio Mare products are not only tasty but also very healthy as they are rich in all the nutritional properties of fish.
Canned fish is a source of well-being that in a few calories provides noble proteins, Omega-3, vitamins and few fats. We tried to compare some foods that are often found on our table and that could easily be replaced with many Rio Mare products.
Do you think it has more calories than tuna or a slice of veal?
Tuna or raw ham?
The Insalatissime Rio Mare or a focaccia?
Find it out!
Choose the Rio Mare product



Compare it with






Tonno vs parmigiano
Stesse calorie con il doppio delle proteine
1 confezione da 80g di Tonno Rio Mare
all’Olio di Oliva sgocciolato fornisce
circa le stesse kcal di un uovo ma ha
quasi il doppio delle proteine.
Choose the Rio Mare product


Compare it with


Raw ham

Mozzarella cheese


Parmesan cheese



Bread and cheese


Tuna vs Egg
Double protein
One 80g can of drained Rio Mare Tuna in Olive Oil gives double proteins of 1 egg. For dinner, instead of a fried egg.
Tuna vs Wurstel
Same calories, half fat
One pack of 80g drained Rio Mare Tuna in Olive Oil provides about the same kcal of half wurstel, twice the protein and half of saturated fats. A healthier snack or sandwich!
Tuna vs Raw ham
Less salt
52 grams of drained Rio Mare Tuna in Olive Oil contain 63% less salt than 50 grams of raw ham. Excellent for those who want to limit salt intake.
Tuna vs Mozzarella cheese
Less calories and less fats
A 60-gram serving of Rio Mare Leggero Tuna provides 60% less calories and 75% less fat than a 100-gram portion of mozzarella. Ideal for a light but tasty lunch break!
Tuna vs Banana
Same energy and ten times more protein
Half banana provides the same energy as an 80g pack of Natural Rio MareTuna, but only 1/10 of the proteins. For sportsmen who do snack with bananas.
Tuna vs Parmesan cheese
Same calories, less fat
1 pack of 80g of drained Rio Mare Tuna in Olive Oil provides the same calories of 50g of parmesan and less fat. For sports lovers, a good alternative to snack with Parmesan cheese to recharge.
Insalatissime vs Pizza
Same calories, double proteins
1 160g pack of Insalatissime Rio Mare Mexican contains the same calories of a slice of pizza (150g) and twice the protein. Your nutritious and complete lunch break, with the good fats of corn oil!
Insalatissime vs Focaccia
Same calories, double proteins
1 160g pack of Insalatissime Rio Mare Mexican contains the same calories of a slice of focaccia (130g) and double the proteins. Your nutritious lunch break, with the proteins of legumes and tuna!
Insalatissime vs Bread and cheese
Same calories, same fats more proteins
1 160g pack of Insalatissime Rio Mare Mexican contains the same calories of a portion of bread and cheese spread (50g of bread and 80 of cheese) but has almost twice as much protein and about 30% less fat. Your tasty and nutritious lunch break, with tuna proteins!
Insalatissime vs Mozzarella
Same calories, same fats more proteins
1 package of 160g of Insalatissime Rio Mare Mexican has the same fat as a mixed salad with bread and mozzarella (80g salad + 30g carrots + 60g tomato + 10g olive oil + 100g of mozzarella + 40g of bread), but with double of proteins, thanks to tuna and legumes!